
Posts Tagged ‘truck’

Wawa serves for some as a part of their daily routine. From the addictive coffee, to the cheap cigarettes, the friendly employees and competitive gas prices; Wawa is just a place you seem to fall in love with.

You stop in for your daily fill up, of both coffee and fuel, park your car at pump 10 and walk inside. You mossy your way on back to the coffee bar, grab a cup and pour your personal daily fuel and head back up the register to pay for everything.

“Hey! How are you doing today?” greets your cashier. “Just the coffee today?”

“No,” you respond. “I need gas too…” and that is when it hits you like a train, you have absolutely no idea what pump you parked at.

“Okay, what pump are you at and how much?” asks your cashier.

You squirm, twist in place and begin to look out that big front window at all the pumps.

All of the sudden not a single car looks like yours. You cannot even remember what door you walked in to take a guess as to what side of the parking lot your car may be on. You walk away from the register and closer to the window to get a better look and your cashier asks you what you’re driving.

Maybe at this point you are just so stressed about where your car maybe that you had a brain fart, or maybe you already feel so embarrassed that there is no turning back, either way for some reason you respond, “The red car” or “The white van” or even, “A truck.”

The red car,” “The white van,” “A truck…” that is your answer?  How many cars are out there? How many cars, trucks or vans are out there that fit your description? Should your cashier pick the white truck at pump 16 to put your money on, or on pump two where there is a nice red car?

As the line grows behind you, you finally find your car out there and realize that you are at pump 10.

“10, it is such a simple number, how could I have forgotten?” you ask yourself.

Here is a tip for next time, to make life easier for your cashier and the people in line behind you… and save yourself a bit of embarrassment, take a look at the number posted on the pump and remember it.

As a cashier, especially at Wawa, the goal is to get you in and out of the line in a minute tops (did you know that?).  If you know what pump you are at you drastically cut down on your time in line, as well as everyone else’s, and we all know that you have much better things to do then stand in line at Wawa all day.

Please keep in mind that remembering your pump number does not only apply to Wawa, you should make note of what pump you are at no matter what gas station you chose to fill up at.

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